Boost LLM Performance
w/ Multilingual Domain Specific Datasets

Training AI models on a domain specific multilingual coprora can place you ahead of your competitors by providing better preformance with lighter models and cheaper deployments. We go beyond conventional data gathering, offering a comprehensive solution for businesses and researchers seeking to extract valuable insights from the wealth of information available online. So far most machine translation models have mostly been trained on parallel corpora either coming from institutions such as UN and EU, translated pages of websites, or from curated sets of translated texts. UN and EU corpora have a legal bias, web page corporas are not domain specific, human translated datasets are usually limited.

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Unparalleled Data Collection

Our service stands out as a sophisticated web crawler designed for user-defined topics and niches, aggregating hundreds of thousands of domain specific pages within hours. Whether you are interested in financial markets, healthcare trends, or cultural shifts, our crawler-based data collection ensures that you get the most relevant and diverse text corpora for your needs.

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Data Refinement

We improve data quality with preprocessing and cleaning procedures. We increase the value of our web datasets by removing much of boilerplate, irrelevant, and redundant information.

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Linguistic Precision

What sets us apart is our ability to handle non-parallel multilingual texts with finesse. Our service employs advanced sentence alignment technique to detect paraphrases, citations, and translations in numerous languages, resulting in a parallel corpus suitable for diverse applications.

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Enhancing Translation Models

For those requiring bilingual data or aiming to strengthen machine translation capabilities, our service offers a comprehensive repository of translation pairs. This spans full sentences, phrase-based translation, and includes support for many low-resource language pairs. Data sparsity and domain adaptation are no longer hurdles. We specialize in adapting models to specific domains, offering fine-tuning on domain-specific data and detecting domain shifts. Our service ensures that your models are not just accurate but also well-aligned with the specific industries or topics you are targeting.

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Tailored Solutions for Your Business

We understand that one size doesn't fit all. That's why we offer tailored solutions, including data augmentation, text mining, and corpus enrichment. Whether you are a researcher delving into the intricacies of language or a business seeking to understand customer sentiments across the globe, our service provides the versatility you need.

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Why Choose Us?

  • Comprehensive Approach: From data collection to cleaning and enrichment, we cover the entire spectrum of language-related data services.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Our tools are powered by the latest advancements in natural language processing, ensuring state-of-the-art results.
  • Customization: Define your topics, select your languages, and tailor the service to fit your specific requirements.
  • Domain Expertise: Acknowledging the intricacies of various industries, we deliver domain-specific data for precise model training.

Contact us to seamlessly integrate our datasets into your NLP pipeline, unlocking the true potential of language for your technical endeavors.

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