Diplomatie.gouv.fr / Citizens initiative

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http://grahnlaw.blogspot.de/ 20.15grahnlaw.blogspot.de
http://futurelabeurope.eu/ 10.09futurelabeurope.eu
http://epthinktank.eu/ 10.07epthinktank.eu
http://wikipedia.org/ 20.04wikipedia.org
http://ejiltalk.org/ 10ejiltalk.org

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http://rpfrance.eu/ 80.52rpfrance.eu
http://europa.eu/ 210.4europa.eu
http://touteleurope.eu/ 20.14touteleurope.eu
http://senat.fr/ 10.07senat.fr
http://sgae.gouv.fr/ 10.07
http://ue.eu.int/ 60.07ue.eu.int
http://assemblee-nationale.fr/ 10.07assemblee-nationale.fr
http://europarl.fr/ 10.07europarl.fr
http://enpi-info.eu/ 10.07enpi-info.eu
http://youtube.com/ 70.07youtube.com

Random 'citizens initiative FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general citizens initiative topic.



Q: When do proponents or opponents of an initiative have to register as Political Action Committees (PACs) and begin reporting contributions and expenditures?
A: You can request an absentee ballot from your municipal clerk, and you can vote in person at the clerk's office as soon as absentee ballots are available. Ballots must be received by the municipal clerk by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Q: Why are some people trying to make it harder for citizens to use ballot measures?
A: Ballot measures are a powerful tool for progressive change, and special interests are trying to take away our right to vote on them. We’re fighting back.

What are ballot measures?

Ballot measures are laws or constitutional amendments that are placed on the ballot for voters to approve or reject. They are one of the most direct forms of democracy, as voters can directly enact laws and constitutional amendments without going through their representatives.

Ballot measures have been used to pass


Q: When can I request an absentee ballot?
A: You can register to vote at your town or city hall, through any Motor Vehicle branch office, in most state & federal social service agencies, or at voter registration drives. The cut-off date for your municipal office to receive your registration is the close of business on the 21st day before the election.
Q: What is a ballot measure?
A: Ballot measures are policy proposals that are placed before voters on their statewide or local ballot during an election. Ballot measures allow citizens to pass laws or amend their state constitutions directly at the ballot box instead of having their elected representatives decide on an issue for them through the legislative process.
Q: What is “direct democracy”?
A: Direct democracy is a form of self-governance where the public makes decisions on policy and laws collectively, rather than electing representatives to make decisions for them.
Q: How do ballot measures wind up on my ballot?
A: The legislature can refer ballot measures to voters, or the people can collect enough signatures to put a measure on the ballot.

Legislative Referral

The legislature can refer ballot measures to voters. The legislature can refer a measure to voters by passing a bill that contains the text of the measure and a provision that the measure is to be submitted to voters. The legislature may also refer a measure to voters by passing a resolution that contains the text of the measure and a provision that the
Q: What happens after ballot measures are passed?
A: Ballot measures are laws or amendments to state constitutions that are voted on by the public. Once a ballot measure is passed, it becomes a law that politicians have to follow, even if they don’t agree with it.
Q: How does the Fairness Project support ballot measure campaigns?
A: The Fairness Project supports ballot measure campaigns that have the potential to create lasting, material change in working people’s lives. We work hand-in-hand with local coalitions and provide funding and technical assistance to ensure these critical campaigns qualify for the ballot and win. To date, the campaigns we’ve supported have impacted the lives of more than 18 million people in more than a dozen states.
Q: What is public record?
A: You can find a lot of information about candidates for office by looking at their campaign websites, public disclosure commission filings, and voter pamphlets.
Q: What is a poll watcher?
A: No, you don't have to be registered to vote, but candidates and law enforcement officers are not allowed to serve as poll watchers.
Q: What is a Solicitation Boundary?
A: Don't campaign within 150 feet of a polling place.


Q: What are the required qualifications to be a candidate?
A: Most offices require the candidate to be registered within the district, but there may be additional qualifications required by the jurisdiction.
Q: What if I want to change my campaign treasurer or other officers?
A: File a reappointment of campaign treasurer (Form DS-DE 9) with the filing officer along with a copy of the letter of resignation or removal.
Q: When can I start collecting signatures to qualify as a petition candidate?
A: Candidates must file a DS-DE 9 form before collecting any signatures.


Q: How and where can I file for office?
A: File online at the Washington Secretary of State's website between May 15 at 9 a.m. and May 19 at 4 p.m.
Q: When can I file for office?
A: You can submit your application starting May 1.
Q: How much does it cost to file for office?
A: The filing fee for state offices in Washington is 1% of the office annual salary. For county offices, the fee is set by the county elections office. Filing fees are nonrefundable.
Q: How can I withdraw my candidacy?
A: If you want to withdraw your candidacy, you have until the end of business on Monday, May 22.
Q: Where can I find election results after the polls close on Election Day?
A: The 2020 general election is on Tuesday, November 3rd. You can find your polling place and see a sample ballot at Vote.org. Polls are open from 7am to 8pm in most states. If you are in line at 8pm, you will be allowed to vote.

You can also vote early in person or by mail in most states. Check with your state election office for more information.

You can register to vote or update your registration at Vote
Q: Where can I locate a list of candidates for upcoming or prior elections?
A: You can find a list of candidates and issues that will appear on the ballot by searching the Candidates and Races Database or by contacting your local County Supervisor of Elections office.


Q: What are the accepted forms of payment?
A: You can file for state offices online using a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, or in person or by mail using cash, check, or money order.
Q: What if I don't have one of the acceptable forms of ID?
A: If you are unsure if you are registered to vote, if your ballot is being cast in the correct precinct, or if you have voted early or by mail, you may be required to vote a provisional ballot. If there is a question regarding your signature, you will be able to “cure” your signature by 5:00 p.m. two days after the election.
Q: What are the key benefits of P3s, and how do P3s benefit Arizonans?
A: P3s are good for Arizona.


Q: How do I submit my Voters' Pamphlet statement and photo?
A: Submit your Voters' Pamphlet information with your declaration and filing fee. All submissions are done online. The deadline to submit for the Voters' Pamphlet is 5 p.m. on May 26.
Q: How do I submit a write-in declaration?
A: You must submit a form to your filing officer by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day in order to vote.
Q: What are my congressional, state senate, and house districts?
A: Yes, you can take your sample ballot to the polling place in order to expedite voting, especially if the ballot is long.
Q: How Do I Remove My Name from the Voter Registration Rolls?
A: You can use this form to notify the Pasco County Supervisor of Elections that you no longer want to be a registered voter in the county.


Q: What can governments from Member States do?
A: The #StopSettlements campaign is a European Citizens’ Initiative that requires personal data in order to be signed. This data is used only to verify the validity of the signature and is not stored or used for any other purpose.
Q: How do I know where I vote?
A: The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, and there is also an early voting period. Check the website for more information.
Q: Who may vote by mail or vote early?
A: You can vote by mail if you are registered to vote in Pasco County, or if you have a valid voter registration in another Florida county and are now residing in Pasco County. You can also vote early if you are registered to vote in Pasco County.


Q: How is the order of candidates determined?
A: The order is random, and is set after the filing deadline.
Q: What are the identification requirements for voting early or at the polls?
A: A Florida driver license or identification card satisfies both the photo and signature identification requirements.
Q: What are the residency requirements for candidates?
A: You must be a US citizen, resident of the state, and meet the specific requirements of the office you wish to hold.
Q: How are judges elected in Florida and what are their terms?
A: Judges in Florida are either appointed by the Governor or elected by the people. Supreme Court Justices and Judges of the District Court of Appeal are always appointed, while Circuit judges and county court judges are elected. If a judge is not retained, the appointment process starts again.


Q: What are the differences between a P3 and the way ADOT typically does a transportation project?
A: Under a P3, a private partner either finances or assists in financing a transportation project. The private partner is responsible for managing and operating the project for the term length, with ADOT serving in an oversight role.
Q: What types of projects can be done using a P3?
A: These are projects that will improve the safety and efficiency of transportation infrastructure.

Eligible projects include:

1. Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, railway tracks, ferry routes, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and ports.

2. Acquisition of vehicles and equipment for public transit, intercity and local passenger rail, and freight rail.

3. Construction or expansion of public transit facilities, including bus rapid transit (
Q: What types of project-delivery methods are allowed under a P3?
A: I'm looking for a project delivery method that will allow me to get the most "bang for my buck" when it comes to building a new highway. I want to be able to build the highway as quickly and cheaply as possible, while still maintaining a high level of quality.

The best project delivery method for building a new highway quickly and cheaply, while still maintaining a high level of quality, is the design-build method. This method allows the contractor to be responsible for
Q: Who owns a transportation facility constructed under a P3?
A: Private companies are allowed to build and operate highways for a set amount of time, but the government still owns and controls the highways.
Q: How long will a P3 agreement last?
A: The term of a P3 agreement in Arizona can extend up to 50 years. However, ADOT may extend a P3 for additional terms.

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