Housingpartnershipnj.org / Crisis

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Domains with most semantic flow to housingpartnershipnj.org

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http://morriscountynj.gov/ morriscountynj.gov

Domains with most semantic flow from housingpartnershipnj.org

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http://constantcontact.com/ 10.02constantcontact.com
http://tagonline.com/ 10tagonline.com

Most linked pages from housingpartnershipnj.org

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https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/ 110.070.4-1no-1-1-1-111
https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/affordable-homes/ 10.150.570.060.71yes2272211
http://housingpartnershipnj.org/ 10.150.820.05-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/counseling-coaching-services/ 10.170.740.01-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/career-and-volunteer-opportunities/ 10.170.730.01-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/post-purchase-education/ 10.170.730.01-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/donate/ 10.170.730.01-1--1-1-1-100
http://housingpartnershipnj.org/home-ownership-preservation/ 110.510-1--1-1-1-111

Hubs from housingpartnershipnj.org

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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https://www.housingpartnershipnj.org/affordable-homes/ 10.150.570.020.71yes2272211

Random 'crisis FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general crisis topic.



Q: How does Crisis Text Line work?
A: Text 741741 when in crisis and a live, trained Crisis Counselor will respond quickly to help you move from a hot moment to a cool calm.
Q: How much does Crisis Text Line cost?
A: There is no charge for texting our short code, 741741, if you have a cell phone plan with AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, or Verizon. If you have a plan with a different carrier, standard text message rates apply.
Q: How does web chat work compared to texting in on my phone?
A: If you want to chat with us, click on the “Chat With Us” button on our website. A new tab will open up with a “Let’s Chat” button. Click on this button and a chat window will appear. Start typing to receive support from one of our trained Crisis Counselors.
Q: How is Crisis Text Line funded?
A: The Crisis Text Line is a free, 24/7 support line for people in crisis. We are privately funded and our data is available to anyone who needs it.
Q: How can I donate to Crisis Text Line?
A: You can donate to Crisis Text Line by visiting their website or mailing a check to their P.O. Box.
Q: How does CMCT de-escalate a situation when someone is yelling/screaming?
A: The staff at the center are trained in a variety of techniques that have been proven to help de-escalate a situation. These interventions can include crisis counseling, motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavioral therapy.


Q: How long do I have to wait for a Crisis Counselor?
A: Our goal is to respond to every texter in under 5 minutes.
Q: How can I become a volunteer Crisis Counselor?
A: We are looking for a talented and passionate iOS developer to work on our mobile app.

The ideal candidate will have experience in Swift, Objective-C, and Cocoa Touch. They will also have a strong understanding of iOS design patterns and best practices.

The position is full-time and remote.
Q: What are the requirements to become a volunteer Crisis Counselor?
A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the requirements to become a Crisis Counselor can vary depending on the organization you are working with. However, some general requirements may include having a minimum of a bachelor's degree in psychology or a related field, completing a crisis counseling training program, and having experience working with individuals in crisis.
Q: When is your next Crisis Counselor training?
A: We accept applications on a rolling basis and new training cohorts start every Wednesday, so apply whenever you’re ready!


Q: How do Crisis Counselors help in a crisis?
A: Our Crisis Counselors provide empathetic listening and support to help texters in crisis calm down and develop a plan to stay safe.
Q: Who are Crisis Counselors?
A: Crisis Text Line is a free, 24/7 support line for people in crisis. It is staffed by trained volunteers who are available to support anyone in the United States who is experiencing a mental health crisis.
Q: How do Crisis Counselors send and receive messages from texters in crisis?
A: Crisis Counselors are real people who help texters in crisis. Counselors interact with texters through our secure online Platform, from a personal laptop or desktop computer, during their scheduled shifts. Neither sees the other’s phone number.
Q: How are volunteer Crisis Counselors trained?
A: Crisis counselors complete a 30-hour training program that includes modules on specific skills and issues, as well as quizzes, role plays, and observations shifts.
Q: What policies must volunteer Crisis Counselors follow?
A: You can read our Crisis Counselor policies and guidelines here.
Q: How are CMCT services dispatched?
A: The Crisis Management & Counseling Team is a group of mental health professionals who respond to mental health emergencies on the UC Santa Cruz campus. The team is made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors. The team is dispatched through the UCSC Dispatch Team.


Q: What can I expect when I text in?
A: If you are in a moment of crisis, text the word “START” to 741-741 to be connected with a live crisis counselor.
Q: Who can apply for access to Crisis Text Line data?
A: The Open Data Collaborations project is a partnership between the City of Toronto and the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. The goal of the project is to increase the use of open data in the city by developing new tools and applications that make open data more accessible and useful.

The project is currently in its pilot phase, and is working with a number of city departments to develop new open data products. The project is also working with the University of Toronto
Q: Where can I find Crisis Text Line’s 990 form?
A: into the org's general fund to be used at the discretion of the board.

The vast majority of the money that we've raised has gone into our general fund, which is used at the discretion of our board. Some of it has been used to cover operational costs, and some has been used to fund specific projects (like our recent partnership with the ACLU).
Q: Who can partner with Crisis Text Line?
A: We're building a community of people who want to make a difference.

We provide an online platform for people to connect with not-for-profits, colleges and universities, and corporations.

We're building a community of people who want to make a difference.

We provide an online platform for people to connect with not-for-profits, colleges and universities, and corporations.
Q: How do you partner with corporations?
A: Crisis Text Line is a non-profit organization that provides free, confidential crisis counseling via text message to people in the United States. We work with companies like YouTube, WhatsApp, and Netflix to connect their users who are in crisis to our trained Crisis Counselors. We also do cause marketing campaigns with brands who want to raise money and/or awareness for Crisis Text Line.
Q: What services can the hotline, teen chat, or text line provide me?
A: The crisis services offered by the Crisis Center of San Mateo County are confidential and do not involve law enforcement unless there is a risk of imminent harm or death.
Q: Who makes up the team?
A: CMCT will be a mobile crisis response team that will be dispatched to mental health emergencies.


Q: How do I submit a complaint, compliment, or other feedback about my experience calling the 988 Lifeline?
A: The 988 Lifeline is a new suicide prevention hotline in the United States. You can contact the Lifeline by calling 988 or by using the 988 Lifeline Contact Us Form.
Q: How do I submit a complaint, compliment, or other feedback about my experience with 988 Lifeline Chat?
A: If you have feedback about the 988 Lifeline, please share it with us by using our 988 Lifeline Contact Us Form.
Q: How can our crisis center or mental health service organization join the 988 Lifeline network?
A: If you are a crisis center interested in joining the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network, you may submit an application for consideration. Consideration for joining the network is based on a number of factors. Our goal is to have sufficient coverage and capacity by crisis centers in the network so that callers may be routed to local crisis centers that will provide crisis intervention, information, and referral according to callers’ needs.
Q: How do I volunteer or get a job at the 988 Lifeline?
A: The 988 Lifeline is a national network of crisis centers that provide support and resources for people in need. You can find a list of current job openings on the Participate page of their website.
Q: Who do I contact if I have a question about my donation that's not answered on this page?
A: If you are experiencing any emotional distress, please reach out to a mental health professional or crisis line for help.


Q: When should you release your FAQ?
A: Your FAQ should include as much detail about both the current crisis and the history of your organization.
Q: When should the Dean of Students’ Office be contacted?
A: No.

The campus will never be locked-down. There are several reasons for this:

1) The campus is open to the public and there is no way to physically lock it down.

2) The campus is a vital part of the city and there is no way to economically lock it down.

3) The campus is a key part of the city's infrastructure and there is no way to lock it down without causing major disruptions.
Q: When should the Dean of Students Office be contacted?
A: Call 805-756-2511 to speak to a counselor about a student's psychological emergency, or call 911 for any other kind of emergency. You can also walk a student to Counseling Services during regular hours.


Q: Why am I receiving an error message or no response at all?
A: Crisis Text Line is available via SMS at 741-741. If your carrier doesn’t support shortcodes, you can also reach us via WhatsApp at +1 (213) 304-9673.
Q: What happens when a texter is imminent risk of suicide?
A: If a texter is in danger of harming themselves or someone else, the Crisis Counselor will work with them to form a safety plan. If the texter is unable to plan for their own safety, the Supervisor may contact emergency services, who may dispatch a wellness check.
Q: What is the time commitment for being a Crisis Counselor?
A: We ask volunteers to commit to volunteering 4 hours per week until 200 hours are reached. Ideally, we expect you to fulfill your commitment in one year. However, we understand that sometimes life might happen so will work to support you in meeting this commitment.
Q: What is the company guidance on travel to APAC?
A: No

Due to the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the CDC has recommended that people avoid non-essential travel. This includes attending customer events.
Q: Where is the Crisis Center?
A: The Youth Crisis program is a program that is in conjunction with Social Services that is meant to interrupt crisis situations and provide a calm environment for children to de-escalate and parents and/or caregiver time to re-group.
Q: What is 988 and is it active?
A: If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, call 988.

If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, call 988.

If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, call 988.
Q: What locations will CMCT serve?
A: CMCT is a program designed to help students with their mental health. The program offers counseling and therapy services to students.
Q: What is the response time of CMCT?
A: The Campus Medical Communications Team (CMCT) is a group of UC Santa Cruz employees who provide medical response and support services to the UC Santa Cruz community. The CMCT is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to medical emergencies on campus. Response times are based on the availability of the team to respond and are prioritized depending on the urgency of the call. Given the size of the UCSC campus, approximately 10 to 30 minutes is the expected response time.
Q: What type of services might an individual receive through CMCT?
A: Crisis services may include counseling, support groups, medication, and hospitalization.


Q: What happens to my chat history?
A: Your chat history is not saved.
Q: How do I view my products after I purchase them?
A: The Crisis Resource Library is a digital library that offers a variety of resources, including videos, PDFs, and audio files, to individuals, members, approved instructors, and CISM teams. Some resources are free, while others are available at discounted rates for members. To access member discounts, you must login to your ICISF Member account. You can login to your account by clicking “Account Login” on the upper left-hand side.
Q: What if I call for CMCT and the dispatcher determines I need law enforcement, can I cancel the request?
A: If the police are called to a situation where someone is behaving erratically and they believe that person may be a danger to themselves or others, they will usually dispatch law enforcement. However, if the police believe that the situation does not pose a significant safety risk, they may cancel the dispatch.
Q: What does CMCT do if they arrive and someone is exhibiting assaultive behaviors, such as throwing objects, punching walls, or making verbal threats to harm others?
A: If someone is in crisis and is behaving in an assaultive way, the Crisis Management Team will request assistance from UCSC Police Department to ensure safety for all.
Q: What does CMCT do if they arrive and the person tells them to leave?
A: CMCT will not be engaged if there is an imminent safety concern and law enforcement or EMS will be contacted instead.
Q: Who can I contact if I would like CMCT training and education for groups?
A: The CMCT Supervisor at jrussel2@ucsc.edu. Please note that this email is not for urgent matters and that the main CMCT number should be used for all other inquiries.

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