Ucdavis.edu / Geography

Domain overview in Geography niche. Based on relevant links and pages only.
ucdavis.edu rank
Number of domains linking to ucdavis.edu
semantic flow
Number of links to ucdavis.edu
semantic flow
Number of domains linked from ucdavis.edu
semantic flow
Number of links from ucdavis.edu
semantic flow

Domains with most semantic flow from ucdavis.edu

Relevant domains with most links from selected domain.

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semantic flow

http://weebly.com/ 20.12weebly.com
http://sdsu.edu/ 10.06sdsu.edu
http://linkedin.com/ 10.05linkedin.com
http://facebook.com/ 10.02facebook.com
http://ucdavisaggies.com/ 10.01ucdavisaggies.com
http://youtube.com/ 10.01youtube.com
http://landbasedlearning.org/ 10landbasedlearning.org
http://calacademy.org/ 10calacademy.org
http://berkeley.edu/ 10berkeley.edu

Most linked pages from ucdavis.edu

Pages from domain with most relevant inbound links.




semantic flow


on topic


rel links

external links

external domains

referring domains

external backlinks

https://grad.ucdavis.edu/professional-development/versatile-phd 10.150.590.070.68yes303881111
http://ecology.ucdavis.edu/ 10.150.890.060.87yes50230011
http://www.eve.ucdavis.edu/graduate.html 10.150.870.060.91yes19127111
http://www-plb.ucdavis.edu/pbgg/ 10.150.750.05-1--1-1-1-111
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/alumni-friends 10.150.770.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/financial-support/academic-employment 10.150.750.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/faculty-staff/graduate-studies-advisory-committee 10.150.740.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/igso 10.150.720.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/about-us/about-graduate-studies 10.150.720.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://grad.ucdavis.edu/resources/graduate-student-resources/academic-information-and-ser 10.150.690.03-1--1-1-1-100

Hubs from ucdavis.edu

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




semantic flow


on topic


rel links

external links

external domains

referring domains

external backlinks

https://grad.ucdavis.edu/professional-development/versatile-phd 880.150.592.760.68yes303881111
http://ecology.ucdavis.edu/ 220.150.891.140.87yes50230011
https://are.ucdavis.edu/graduate/ 180.150.941.160.98yes35190011
http://www.eve.ucdavis.edu/graduate.html 90.150.870.440.91yes19127111
https://managerialeconomics.ucdavis.edu/awards-and-scholarships/ 70.160.890.09-1no-1-1-1-100
https://managerialeconomics.ucdavis.edu/major/ 40.160.940.160.9yes26182100
https://managerialeconomics.ucdavis.edu/ 40.160.940.02-1no-1-1-1-100
https://are.ucdavis.edu/department/about-us/ 10.160.940.050.95yes36200000
https://are.ucdavis.edu/research-extension/ 10.160.940.030.92yes35200000

Random 'geography FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general geography topic.



Q: What other resources do I need to use the book?
A: The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide is a great resource for teaching geography to multiple grade levels. It provides instructions on how to use an atlas, as well as a resource with geography terms.
Q: Who do I contact to learn more about the Online Geography B.A.?
A: Contact the Program Coordinator, Dr. Shannon Hall, at shall156@kennesaw.edu for more information on the graduate certificate in Women's and Gender Studies.
Q: What supplies will I need?
A: Create a new file in your project's root directory called .gitignore and add the following lines:

*.class *.jar *.war *.ear *.dex *.iml

This will exclude all files with these extensions from being tracked by git.


Git is a great tool for version control. However, it is not designed for every file type. For example, you wouldn't want to track a Word document because git would store the entire document
Q: Where do I go to get my lessons or other products?
A: You can access ALL the lessons in your plan at any time on your Account Page.
Q: What do I need in order to open the downloadable, PDF lessons?
A: Download PDFs, not the software they come with.

The PDF format is an open standard, which means that it is not owned by any one company, and anyone can create software that can read and write PDFs.

There are many PDF readers available for different operating systems. Some are free, and some are not.

On Windows, we recommend the free PDF reader from PDFForge.

On Mac OS X, we recommend the free PDF reader from Skim
Q: What is a zip file and how do I use it?
A: A shapefile is a vector data storage format for storing the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features. A geodatabase is a database or file structure used primarily to store, query, and manipulate spatial data. Metadata is simply defined as “data about data.” A zip file is a computer file whose contents are compressed for storage or distribution.


Q: When do AP® Human Geography scores typically come out?
A: The 2023 AP® Human Geography exam will take place on Thursday, May 4, 2023, at 8am local time.
Q: Where can I find past AP® Human Geography exams?
A: You should retake the AP® Human Geography exam if you fail it or if you want to try to get a higher score. Your high school GPA will not be impacted if you fail the exam. Most colleges will not award college credit for any score lower than a 3. Many students take AP® Human Geography in their freshman or sophomore year.
Q: When do classes start?
A: The current academic calendar is:

-August 28th to December 14th

-January 8th to May 4th


Q: Who do I contact for a "virtual" advising appointment?
A: Contact the College of Humanities and Social Science Undergraduate Advising Center to schedule an Academic Advising appointment with Christine Jacobs. Include "virtual advising" in the comments box.
Q: What internet videos do you include?
A: The vast majority of our video recommendations come from YouTube, and most of those are linked via SafeYouTube. If a SafeYouTube link is not available, we recommend using the 2 safety features explained here to ensure that you don't accidentally see undesirable videos on the YouTube site. Keep in mind that the curriculum was designed for the teacher to be present for all activities, including the video portion.
Q: What size binder do you recommend for each child?
A: The size of the binder depends on how you will be using the resources in each lesson. A 1” binder is usually enough.


Q: How much does it cost & where do I sign up?
A: Home Use:

Year 1: $75

Year 2: $150
Q: How Do I Upgrade to Another Subscription?
A: To upgrade from a 2-year to a Lifetime Subscription, please Contact Us.
To upgrade from a Lifetime to a Teacher's License, first log in and go to your Account. Then click on Subscriptions. Find your current subscription, and in the last column click Change Plan. Select Teacher's License in the dropdown. The full price will be listed on the Order Page, but when you click to pay (before you finalize the order), it will show your pro
Q: How do I change my Password?
A: 1. Log in to your account
2. Scroll down to the "Change Password" link
3. Click the link and change your password
Q: Why don't my datasets line up in my GIS platform (ArcMap, QGIS etc.)?
A: The main reason why datasets do not overlay each other correctly is due to discrepancies in projection.
Q: How do I choose a projection which is most appropriate for my project?
A: Defining a projection means setting the coordinate system of a layer whose coordinate system is unknown, undefined, or incorrect. Projecting means changing from one coordinate system to another and results in a new data set with changed coordinates.
Q: How does HEGS view Broader Impacts?
A: Yes, you can still serve as a reviewer for the HEGS program or on a HEGS panel, even if you are not a part of the HEGS program. However, HEGS will no longer be co-reviewing with other Programs at NSF.


Q: What is a Datum?
A: The horizontal datum provides the base elevation for mapping or defining a location, while the vertical datum provides the height above or below sea level.
Q: What is a Coordinate System?
A: A coordinate system is a reference system for representing the exact locations of geographic features on Earth. It allows people to determine area, distance, direction, and shape.
Q: How do these concepts: Map Projection, Coordinate System, and Datum work together?
A: Spherical coordinates are not as accurate as Cartesian coordinates, and are more difficult to work with.
Q: What is a spatial reference?
A: Spatial references are a set of parameters that define the coordinate system and other spatial properties for a dataset.
Q: Who is your target audience?
A: No, we do not have the relevant datasets available.
Q: What is an ArcGIS account and how is it different from an Esri Account?
A: With a free public account, one can create, store, and manage maps, apps, and files, and share them with others.
Q: What is LiDAR data?
A: GPS is a system of satellites used to determine positions on earth, GIS is a computer system for capturing and analyzing location-linked data, GIScience is the study of theories and methods for understanding geographic processes, and geocomputation is the application of computer technology to solve spatial problems.


Q: What countries are included in Year 1 (or Year 2 or 3)?
A: The Let's Go Geography Scope & Sequence outlines the topics covered in each year. Year 1 and Year 2 are available right now, and Year 3 is in production.
Q: What is the grade level?
A: The curriculum is appropriate for homeschool Grades K-5. However, we have homeschooling moms tell us they use it for even higher grades since all their kids do this together.
Q: When is the journal published?
A: Yes, you can submit any paper for a Geography course, regardless of whether it is GEOB or GEOG. You can also submit papers written for other disciplines, as long as they demonstrate a geographic theme. Finally, group submissions are welcome, but the main author may not submit any other papers to the journal.
Q: What is the shape or orientation of the study area?
A: If you need to represent a large area on a map, then you should use a conic projection. If you need to represent a small area on a map, then you should use a Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
Q: What is the difference between ArcView, Arc Editor, ArcInfo, etc?
A: 1. Open your map document in the newer version of ArcGIS.
2. Click File > Save A Copy.
3. In the Save As Type drop-down list, choose the earlier version of ArcGIS.
4. Click Save.


Q: Where can I go for additional information on applying to graduate school at Virginia Tech?
A: Contact faculty to gauge their interest in being a potential M.S. thesis advisor. Visit faculty profiles and their personal websites to identify faculty with common research interests.
Q: Where can I find information about layer projections?
A: A projection is a mathematical transformation of coordinates from one coordinate system to another. This is usually necessary when working with data from different sources that use different coordinate systems. Metadata (information about a dataset) usually contains information about a dataset’s projection, so it is important to obtain metadata whenever you download or obtain a dataset. When you generate your own datasets, make sure to create metadata to assist other users to understand and use the data correctly and effectively.
Q: Where can I find out about other funding sources?
A: The deadline for applications is December 1st and it is critical that your application be complete by that date in order to be fairly considered. Admissions decisions are typically made by mid-February.


Q: What do online courses look like?
A: There is just as much variety in online courses as there is in face-to-face courses.
Q: Why are ellipsoids used rather than geoids in developing map projections?
A: A globe is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth created from a two-dimensional ellipse.
Q: Where are lessons held?
A: No, we do not travel to the student's location. All lessons are held online over Google Meets.
Q: Why are lessons online only?
A: Geography With Me offers online classes for students who are too busy to travel to a classroom.

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