Piljnz.org / Labour legislation

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Public Interest Law Journal of New Zealand | With support from the New Zealand Law Foundation

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http://piljnz.org/ 10.2810.070.96yes1021111

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http://auckland.ac.nz/ auckland.ac.nz
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http://lawfoundation.org.nz/ lawfoundation.org.nz
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http://waikato.ac.nz/ waikato.ac.nz

Random 'labour legislation FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general labour legislation topic.



Q: How often does my employer need to pay me?
A: Employers in Rhode Island are generally required to pay their employees every week, though there are some exceptions. If your employer isn’t paying you on time, you can file a wage complaint.
Q: How is my employer required to keep track of my pay?
A: Employers are required to keep accurate records of employee hours worked, and to provide employees with a pay stub each time they are paid. If you think your employer is not complying with these requirements, you can file a wage complaint.
Q: What are all these adjustments on my policy?
A: You may be able to avoid paying a higher premium for your car insurance if you know what adjustments to look out for.


Q: What if I don’t make enough in tips to earn the regular minimum wage?
A: If you don't earn enough in tips to reach the regular minimum wage, your employer is required to pay you the difference.
Q: What has the minimum wage in South Dakota been historically?
A: The South Dakota minimum wage applies to all employees, with some exemptions. An employer may not pay an employee less than minimum wage, regardless of whether the employee agrees to work for less than minimum wage. If an employee is entitled to minimum wage under state law, the employer must pay the employee the higher of the two minimum wage rates.
Q: What if the time frame has passed to pay my final wages but I still have not been paid?
A: The West Virginia Division of Labor does not require employers to provide vacation or sick leave benefits to their employees, but when an employer does choose to provide such benefits, the employer is responsible for establishing a written policy outlining how those benefits are earned and paid. If an employer fails to meet the state's requirements for payroll frequency or timely payment of wages, an employee may file a Request for Assistance form with the Division of Labor.


Q: What is worker misclassification?
A: Employers should not classify you as an independent contractor if you are not one.

If you’re an independent contractor, you’re not entitled to many of the rights and protections that employees are, including:

Minimum wage

Overtime pay

Paid vacation, holidays, sick days, or personal days

Unemployment insurance

Workers’ compensation

Family and Medical Leave

Employer-sponsored health insurance

Q: What is the Contractors Credit Premium Adjustment Program?
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Q: What is workers' compensation?
A: Workers' compensation is a state-mandated, "no-fault" insurance system that pays benefits to workers injured on the job.
Q: What state agencies administer the workers' comp system?
A: The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations oversees the workers’ compensation system in Hawaii. The division receives notifications from employers about coverage and reports of injuries. It also mediates disputes over benefits. It monitors insurance company safety programs and investigates allegations of fraudulent claims.

Employers can call the division toll-free at 800-775-2667.
Q: What benefits do injured workers receive from my workers' comp policy?
A: You may be eligible for up to two-thirds of your average weekly wage if you are injured at work and are unable to work for more than three days. If your injury results in a permanent impairment or you are unable to return to work, you may be eligible for additional benefits. If you are killed in a work-related accident, your survivors may be eligible for benefits.
Q: What are my responsibilities as an employer under the workers' comp law?
A: You are required to maintain workers' compensation insurance in Montana, and failure to do so is a misdemeanor.
Q: How is workers' comp insurance priced?
A: There is no specific state agency responsible for setting workers' compensation rates in Missouri. However, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is responsible for maintaining the job-classification code system and administering the experience rating plan.
Q: What is schedule rating?
A: If you think your company's workers' compensation insurance premium has been inappropriately increased due to the application of a schedule rating, you can file a complaint with the Missouri Department of Insurance.
Q: How does an LLC individual member reject coverage for workers’ compensation?
A: you can reject coverage by sending a written notice to your employer and insurance carrier.


Q: How do I know if I’m an employee or an independent contractor?
A: If you think you are being misclassified as an independent contractor, you should file a wage complaint.
Q: What Protection Do I have Against Workplace Retaliation?
A: Yes, you are protected from employer retaliation for engaging in protected activities under California employment law.
Q: How can we help you?
A: I'm not sure what you're asking.
Q: How do I obtain coverage?
A: You can buy workers' comp insurance from a private insurer, or self-insure if you meet the requirements of the Division of Workers' Compensation.
Q: What is the assigned risk market (also known as the "alternative residual market ") and why do I have to be in it?
A: The assigned risk market is a mechanism that has been set up to ensure that employers can obtain workers’ comp coverage if they are in good faith entitled to workers’ comp coverage, but cannot secure such coverage through ordinary means. Many employers are in this market because they are engaged in an inherently risky industry, have bad loss experience, are too small and/or are just starting a new business.
Q: How do I know if I am in the construction industry?
A: If your company erects, demolishes, alters or repairs any structure, you are in construction. This includes earthmovers, concrete contractors, equipment installers, carpenters, painters and telephone installers, to name just a few.


Q: What Counts as Sexual Harassment at Work?
A: There are two main types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo occurs when an employer or supervisor offers an employee a job benefit in exchange for sexual favors. A hostile work environment is created when an employee is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or conduct that is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment.
Q: What Is an At-Will State?
A: Yes, an employer can fire an employee for any reason, as long as the reason is not discriminatory, retaliatory, or otherwise illegal.


Q: What Is a Collective Action Lawsuit?
A: A collective action is a multiple plaintiff lawsuit filed under the Fair Labor Standards Act when there is an alleged violation of employees’ right to federal minimum wages or federal overtime pay. Employees who wish to participate in the lawsuit must opt-in by submitting a consent-to-sue form. The FLSA protects plaintiffs from retaliation by forbidding defendants from threatening or otherwise retaliating against them for participating in a lawsuit.
Q: What Does a Class Action Require?
A: A class action is a lawsuit in which a group of people with the same or similar grievances band together and bring forth a claim against a defendant or defendants. A class action only requires one representative to be filed.

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