Jupyter.org / Personal data collection

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Domains with most semantic flow to jupyter.org

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http://dataschool.io/ 30.21dataschool.io
http://becomingadatascientist.com/ 10.1becomingadatascientist.com
http://cio.com/ 10.08cio.com
http://dominodatalab.com/ 20.08dominodatalab.com
http://modeanalytics.com/ 10.08modeanalytics.com
http://dataquest.io/ 10.08dataquest.io
http://datasciencecentral.com/ 10.04datasciencecentral.com
http://hackernoon.com/ 10.03hackernoon.com
http://medium.com/ 10.03medium.com

Domains with most semantic flow from jupyter.org

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http://wikipedia.org/ 10.09wikipedia.org
http://ebird.org/ 10ebird.org
http://scipy.org/ 10scipy.org
http://hortonworks.com/ 10hortonworks.com
http://noaa.gov/ 10noaa.gov

Most linked pages from jupyter.org

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https://jupyter.org/ 10.170.980.08-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.jupyter.org/ 10.160.930.08-1--1-1-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/fonnesbeck/Bios8366/blob/master/notebooks/Section2_1-In 10.180.960.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/fonnesbeck/Bios8366/blob/master/notebooks/Section2_2-Da 10.180.960.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/fonnesbeck/Bios8366/blob/master/notebooks/Section2_3-Pl 10.180.960.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/gumption/Python_for_Data_Science/blob/master/Python_fo 10.150.770.04-1--1-1-1-111
http://jupyter.org/ 10.1810.030.62yes370-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/NickDoesData/visualizing_change/blob/master/Visualizing 10.210.760.03-1--1-1-1-111

Hubs from jupyter.org

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/ofermend/IPython-notebooks/blob/master/blog-part-1.ipyn 20.170.010-1no-1-1-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/yhat/DataGotham2013/blob/master/notebooks/3%20-%20Impor 10.180.980.090.98yes1411111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/paix120/DataScienceLearningClubActivities/blob/master/A 10.180.990-1no-1-1-1-111
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/cs109/content/blob/master/HW0.ipynb 10.160.010-1no-1-1-1-111

Random 'personal data collection FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general personal data collection topic.



Q: What are privacy laws?
A: There are many different privacy laws that protect people's personal data from being exploited. Some important privacy laws include the Privacy Act of 1974, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Q: What is a website Privacy Policy?
A: A website Privacy Policy should provide information on the company's practices around the processing of personal data, including what data is collected, how it is used, and with whom it is shared.
Q: What does a Privacy Policy tell you?
A: A Privacy Policy is a legal document that tells you how a company collects, uses, and protects your personal data. The requirements for what a Privacy Policy must contain vary depending on the business context and national or regional law.
Q: What is Global Privacy Control and how do I know if it's working on my browser?
A: GPC is a tool that tells websites not to track you or sell your personal data. You can learn more and find out how to turn it on at the Global Privacy Control website.


Q: What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?
A: PII is any information that can be used to identify an individual. This could be as simple as a username or email address, or it could be something like a credit card number that can be linked to an individual. More specifically, PII is a classification of specific personal data defined in the US privacy law.
Laws in Europe are even broader than the US. All PII is considered personal data, but many things not covered by US law are also covered by privacy laws within
Q: What is considered personal data?
A: Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual. This can include information like your name, address, date of birth, and more.
Q: What is personal data?
A: Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual. This includes things like name, address, phone number, email, Social Security number, and biometric information.
Q: What information do I need to provide when I submit a request to access my personal data?
A: We take the security of your personal data seriously and will verify your identity before fulfilling any data requests.
Q: How is the personal data used?
A: We use your personal data for the following things:

To provide our services to you.

To communicate with you about our services and your use of our services.

To prevent, detect and investigate fraud or other misuse of our services.

To personalize our services for you.

To develop new products and services.

To provide customer support.

To analyze and understand how our services are used.

To comply with applicable legal requirements.
Q: What are administrative data?
A: Administrative data are collected by government agencies in the normal course of delivering social services and programs. Administrative data are often Personally Identifiable Information (PPI), meaning that, without the proper protections, they could potentially identify a specific individual in a data set. Therefore, agencies must comply with stringent federal regulations and privacy laws when they share or link data across agencies.
Q: What is Nexthink Infinity?
A: Nexthink Infinity provides the real-time insight IT departments of organizations need to proactively prevent and/or automatically resolve disruptions of work devices and continuously improve the employee experience.
Q: How long is the Personal Data stored within Nexthink?
A: The data processing layer subdivides the incoming data into two categories, events and objects. Both of them are associated with a property called the time to live (TTL) period. Nexthink offers three possible values for that setting:

-1: The data never expires.

0: The data expires immediately.

>0: The data expires after the specified number of seconds.
Q: What is Nexthink’s security breach response procedure?
A: Nexthink will inform you if there’s a data breach that affects you, but they’re not obliged to do so until they’ve finished investigating and eradicating the breach.

What to do if you’ve been affected by a data breach

If you’ve been affected by a data breach, it’s important to take action immediately. You can report a data breach in the UK to the ICO.

The ICO will assess
Q: What is a Data Protection Officer?
A: The DPO is responsible for ensuring your organization’s compliance with the GDPR. The DPO has knowledge of both information technology and law.


Q: What are the sources of the personal data recorded?
A: The personal data comes from three sources:

1. The user's Google account
2. The user's Facebook account
3. The user's LinkedIn account
Q: How can you get a copy of whatever data is recorded?
A: This is a very long and detailed response to a very short and general question. If you want the gist of it, here it is:

You can make a request for information under the GDPR by emailing the data protection officer at the email address in the footer of this page. We may ask for further information to ensure your identity.
Q: What are the benefits of cross-agency data sharing efforts?
A: Administrative data can help improve government performance by reducing duplication of effort, improving coordination, and providing a more complete picture of what’s happening.
Q: What are Nexthink’s and the customer’s roles under the DPA?
A: Nexthink is the Processor and the customer is the Controller.


Q: What personal data do we record?
A: We use your personal data to provide our services and to improve the quality of our services. We also use your personal data to provide you with information about our services that we think will be of interest to you. You can opt out of receiving this information at any time.

We may share your personal data with other companies in our group, with our service providers and with other third parties as described in this policy.

We take steps to protect your personal data and to keep
Q: What do we do with your personal data?
A: We use your personal data to send you information to which you have subscribed and additional information about our services.
Q: How do you correct errors in personal data that we store?
A: You can change your data by clicking the "update preferences" link in the footer of our emails, or by emailing us at the address in the footer of this page.
Q: What personal data do we not store?
A: We don't collect any personal information that could be used to identify you.

Our web sites use cookies to store information about your preferences. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your hard drive by a web site. Cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information about you. The information in the cookies lets us trace the paths followed by users to our web site, which helps us to analyze and improve the usefulness of our site.

Tl;dr: We use cookies to
Q: Where does Nexthink store customer data?
A: Nexthink stores customer data in the EU, UK and USA. Customers are free to choose a single region where their data will be stored.
Q: What if I’m not an American?
A: The NSA collects a huge amount of data on Americans' phone calls, emails, social media posts, and Internet activity. They also intercept and record some phone calls and store billions of communication records per day.


Q: Why are privacy and security important?
A: Privacy and security are important for many reasons. Privacy is a fundamental human right, and it is recognized in international treaties and national laws.
Q: Why does The Times collect (and use) my data?
A: The Times uses reader data to select the types of articles that are shown in certain parts of the app or site. This is done in order to create the best possible reader experience. The Times is also funded by subscriptions and advertising, which both require the use of reader data.
Q: What does The Times do with data it collects on me?
A: We use your data to provide you with content that you might be interested in and to customize your experience.
Q: Why am I given the option to use Facebook and Google for log-in?
A: If you sign up for an account via Facebook or Google, they will share limited data with us in order to create your account. We will not share any data about your reading behavior with Facebook or Google when you sign up.


Q: How do you keep data safe and secure?
A: There are many measures that businesses can take to keep personal data secure, including encrypting data, using secure servers, and implementing access control measures.
Q: How can you be forgotten?
A: To request a copy of your personal data, send an email to the address in the footer of this page. You may be asked for further proof of your identity.
Q: How are you keeping my data safe?
A: The New York Times is committed to protecting your data and has implemented various safeguards to do so.
Q: What are some ways I can protect my data?
A: 1. Use a password manager to generate strong, unique passwords for each site you visit.

2. Use two-factor authentication whenever possible.

3. Be careful what you click on—phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated.

4. Keep your software up to date.

5. Use a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi.

6. Be aware of the risks of using social media.

7. Don’t


Q: How do we ensure the security of your information?
A: We take steps to protect your personal information, but we cannot guarantee that it will never be accessed by unauthorized third parties. You are responsible for controlling access to your email address.
Q: How can I get additional information about Lattice’s data privacy or information security practices?
A: Lattice collects personal information for legitimate business and commercial purposes, including providing and improving our services, for sales and marketing activities, and to ensure technical functionality. The personal information we collect is secure, and we will never sell it to third parties. We may disclose personal information to third parties in some cases, but only to service providers who must adhere to our strict policies restricting further sharing of any data they receive or access. Individuals that live in jurisdictions that provide privacy rights, or who
Q: How can I remove information about myself from Google's search results?
A: Google will now remove certain search results in Europe if the person who is searched requests it.


Q: How do I minimise the use of personal data in research?
A: You can't.

A byte is an 8-bit signed integer. A short is a 16-bit signed integer. There is no way to fit a 16-bit integer into an 8-bit integer.
Q: What does Micro Focus use this information for?
A: Micro Focus collects statistics only for those users who authorize it to do so by clicking Yes when prompted at login, or by selecting the Allow Data Collection option in their user profile Preferences.
Q: What type of data is collected about me when I’m accessing The Times?
A: There are two types of data collection: direct and indirect. Direct data collection happens when you submit data to us, like when you create an account. Indirect data collection happens passively as you interact with our site or apps, like when we track which articles you read.
Q: How can I learn more about how companies use personal data online?
A: The Times regularly publishes pieces on the topic of online privacy, including in Business, Technology, and Smarter Living. In addition, our Opinion series, The Privacy Project, explains how online privacy affects your daily life and provides tips on how to take control of your data.
Q: Why does an organization use Nexthink Infinity?
A: Nexthink Infinity is a platform that helps companies measure, manage, and improve the digital employee experience. It does this by correlating technical performance and employee sentiment data to give companies a clear picture of what their employees are experiencing.
Q: How does Nexthink use collected Personal Data?
A: Nexthink does not sell data.

Nexthink does not use data for marketing purposes.

Nexthink does not share data with third parties.

Nexthink does not use data for any other purpose than providing its product and services.

Nexthink does not process data on behalf of its customers.

Nexthink does not use any Personal Data collected from its customers and their end-users for other purposes than providing its product and services
Q: How does Nexthink handle end-users’ requests?
A: Nexthink will notify you of any user requests, and will not respond to any user requests without your prior instruction.
Q: How does Nexthink delete Personal Data?
A: Nexthink's data destruction process is designed to ensure that customer data is permanently destroyed and cannot be subsequently accessed or read.
Q: How does Nexthink encrypt Personal Data?
A: Yes, it's encrypted.


Q: How does Nexthink protect the Personal Data of its customers?
A: Nexthink is compliant with ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type II standards.

Nexthink’s security controls and processes are audited by an independent third party.

Nexthink’s security infrastructure is designed to protect your data against unauthorized access, destruction, alteration, or unauthorized distribution.

Nexthink’s security team is constantly monitoring the security of our products and services.

Nexthink’s products and services are
Q: How does Nexthink notify its customers of new subprocessors?
A: Nexthink will never share your data with anyone else. We don't sell your data to advertisers. We don't use your data to target you with ads. We only use your data to provide you with the best possible experience using Nexthink products and services.
Q: How does Nexthink fulfill its obligations as a Processor or Service Provider under the CCPA?
A: Nexthink is a CCPA compliant service provider. We have a DPA which outlines our obligations and requirements. We also assist our customers with any data subject requests they may receive.


Q: What is the CLOUD Act?
A: The CLOUD Act updated the legal framework for United States law enforcement requests for data held by telecommunications service providers. The CLOUD Act provides a mechanism for United States law enforcement to request data stored in the United States and overseas. The CLOUD Act also created additional safeguards for cloud content, including recognizing the right of providers to challenge requests that conflict with another country’s laws or national interests and requiring that governments respect local rules of law.
Q: How does the CLOUD Act impact Nexthink?
A: The CLOUD Act does not impact Nexthink services or how Nexthink operates its business. Nexthink has not received any United States law enforcement requests, and will be transparent about the number of requests that it receives, if any. If Nexthink is required to disclose customer data, it will notify the customer before disclosure to provide them the opportunity to seek protection from disclosure, unless prohibited by law.


Q: What does the CCPA (CPRA) do?
A: The CCPA (CPRA) provides consumers in California with certain rights over their personal information:

The right to know what personal information is being collected about them.

The right to know why that information is being collected.

The right to know who will have access to that information.

The right to say no to the collection of their personal information.

The right to have their personal information deleted.

The right to have their personal information corrected
Q: What is the CCPA?
A: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a new law that provides a variety of privacy rights to California consumers. Businesses regulated by the CCPA will have to disclose what personal information they collect, allow consumers to opt out of certain data transfers, and get explicit consent from minors before collecting their personal information.
Q: What is “Personal Information” under the CCPA?
A: Personal information is any information that identifies, is related to, describes, is capable of being associated with or reasonably linkable, directly or indirectly, to an individual California consumer or household. Public, aggregate and de-identified information is excluded from this definition.
Q: What are the differences between GDPR and CCPA?
A: The biggest difference between CCPA and GDPR is that CCPA requires businesses to enable an opt-out from sales of data to third parties, while GDPR gives individuals the right to object to processing in general.


Q: What is the GDPR regulation?
A: The GDPR is an EU data protection law that requires businesses to take measures to protect the personal data of individuals.
Q: What are the six principles of the GDPR?
A: 1. Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.
2. Personal data must be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
3. Personal data must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.
4. Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
5. Personal data must be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no
Q: What is the GDPR?
A: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law that was implemented in the European Union in May 2018. It requires organizations to safeguard personal data and uphold the privacy rights of anyone in EU territory. The regulation includes seven principles of data protection that must be implemented and eight privacy rights that must be facilitated. It also empowers member state-level data protection authorities to enforce the GDPR with sanctions and fines. The GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive, which created a country
Q: What are the GDPR fines?
A: The GDPR allows data protection authorities to issue sanctions and fines to organizations that violate the GDPR, including fines of up to €20 million or 4% of global revenue.


Q: Who are we?
A: We provide information and service both on line and face to face.
Q: Who must comply with the GDPR?
A: Any organization that processes the personal data of people in the EU must comply with the GDPR.
Q: How do I comply with the GDPR?
A: Organizations can comply with the GDPR by implementing technical and operational safeguards to protect personal data they control. The first step is to conduct a GDPR assessment to determine what personal data they control, where it is located, and how it is secured. They must also adhere to the privacy principles outlined in the GDPR, such as obtaining consent and ensuring data portability. You may also be required to appoint a Data Protection Officer and update your privacy notice, among other organizational measures.

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