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Random 'political candidates FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general political candidates topic.



Q: How do I see who is running for an office?
A: The Wisconsin Elections Commission publishes and posts the Candidate Tracking by Office report ahead of the election. Voters can view exactly who will be on their ballot on the Type B notice published by the clerks on the Friday before the election. They may also view a sample ballot on MyVote.
Q: What is a HAVA/DMV check and how do they work?
A: The "HAVA checks" mentioned in the Wisconsin voter registration data are comparisons between a voter registration record and a DMV or Social Security record. They are designed to catch typos and data entry errors to improve the quality of the voter registration list, and are not intended to be used as a qualification for voting.
Q: How long is the term of office for a high school poll worker?
A: A high school student may be appointed as an election inspector for a specific election, but not for a two-year term.
Q: What is the difference between an LLC and a corporation?
A: There are many types of business entities, and candidates are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements that apply to the type of entity they are contributing to.
Q: When does the City announce who is formally running for Council?
A: If you've submitted a Candidate Affidavit, you're considered an unofficial candidate until you submit a nomination petition with 25 valid signatures.
Q: What is considered an elected position?
A: If you are running for office, you are considered a candidate.


Q: What are the positions at a polling place?
A: There are four different positions that help conduct elections at a polling place: the election judge, the clerk, the poll watcher, and the voter.
Q: What are examples of accommodations that are generally reasonable at a polling place?
A: Individuals with disabilities can be accommodated to work at polling places, but the accommodation must not create an undue hardship for the employer.
Q: How long may a voter linger at the polling place on election day?
A: You can remain at the polling place for purposes of observing the election, but you may not interfere with the orderly conduct of the election. A candidate must leave the polling place after voting to avoid the appearance of electioneering.
Q: How do I report concerns about polling place accessibility or accessible voting equipment?
A: If you have questions or concerns about the voting process, including polling place accessibility or accessible voting equipment, you may contact your municipal clerk. You can check the Directory of Wisconsin Municipal Clerks on this website to find contact information for your municipal clerk. This listing contains telephone and fax numbers as well as addresses. You may also use our online complaint form contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission at 608-266-8005, or e-mail: @email.
Q: What if I need help at my polling place?
A: Yes, but the law is complicated.

The law is complicated, but here’s a quick summary:

In general, you can take a picture of your ballot.

However, some states have laws that specifically prohibit ballot selfies, and some states have laws that specifically allow ballot selfies.

In addition, some states have laws that prohibit the use of cameras in the polling place, which could theoretically be interpreted to prohibit ballot selfies.

Finally, some states


Q: What starts the whole process?
A: If you are spending money to promote your candidacy, you are a candidate.

What is a campaign contribution?

A campaign contribution is money, goods, services, or anything else of value given to a candidate or their campaign.

Tl;dr: If you are giving money, goods, or services to a candidate or their campaign, you are making a campaign contribution.

What is a campaign expenditure?
Q: What is the process for recall in Wisconsin?
A: According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, to recall a state official, you must collect signatures from 25% of the voters in the last election for that office. You have 60 days to collect the signatures, and if you succeed, a recall election is scheduled within 60 days.
Q: What is the deadline for registering to vote?
A: You can register at any time, but you must be registered at least 30 days before an election to vote in that election.
Q: What is the current compensation amount for the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and Councilmembers?
A: Council compensation is listed on the Council’s web page.
Q: What is a Solicitation Boundary?
A: It's a felony to campaign within 150 feet of a polling place.


Q: What happens if a voter refuses to the sign the poll list?
A: If the voter refuses to sign the poll list, a ballot shall not be issued.
Q: What are the specific qualifications to be an Election Inspector (poll worker)?
A: be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years old or older, be registered to vote in the jurisdiction where they will be working, and complete a training program.

To be an election inspector (poll worker), a person must:

-Be a U.S. citizen
-Be 18 years old or older
-Be registered to vote in the jurisdiction where they will be working
-Complete a training program
Q: What are the responsibilities of an Election Inspector (poll worker)?
A: Election inspectors help with voting on Election Day. Duties can include issuing ballots, registering voters, monitoring voting equipment, explaining how to mark the ballot, or counting votes.
Q: What are the qualifications to be a poll worker?
A: You must be 16 years or older, a resident or employee of the county where you work, and able to read, write, and speak English. You also may not work in an election if you are related to a candidate on the ballot.


Q: What are the residency requirements for candidates?
A: In order to be eligible to hold office in Florida, you must be a U.S. citizen, resident of Florida, and meet the specific requirements for the office you are seeking.
Q: What if all three election inspectors represent the same political party?
A: Yes, it does matter.
Q: What is the procedure for reducing the number of election inspectors?
A: A municipality may reduce the number of election officials to no less than three, but if only three are used and one must leave the voting area, voting stops until the inspector returns.
Q: What are the Training Requirements for Election Inspectors?
A: Yes, municipal clerks are required by state law to provide training to poll workers. This training covers all of the necessary information and knowledge needed to be a successful poll worker. Additionally, an experienced chief inspector who has been certified by the State Elections Board must be present at each polling place for each election. Chief inspectors must receive six hours of continuing election education training during each two-year period.
Q: What are the consequences for removing someone else’s legally posted yard signs?
A: It is illegal to remove yard signs without the permission of the property owner or the city.
Q: What are the identification requirements for voting early or at the polls?
A: You need to show both a photo and a signature ID to vote in Florida. Some examples of acceptable forms of ID include a Florida driver's license or ID card, a passport, or a military ID.


Q: What is the role of the municipal clerk on election day?
A: The municipal clerk is responsible for administering elections and should be available on election day to provide advice and supplies to election inspectors. In the event that the clerk is unavailable on election day, a deputy should be appointed to act in the clerk's absence.
Q: Who is the Municipal Board of Canvassers?
A: the municipal canvass is conducted by the municipal board of canvassers, which is usually the election inspectors but can be a separate board of canvassers if the municipality has multiple reporting units or sets of results.
Q: How is the order of candidates' names appearing on the ballot determined?
A: The order in which candidates names appear on the ballot in a nonpartisan election is determined by the drawing of lots.
Q: What is the statutory language on a ballot where more than one officer is to be elected?
A: The number of candidates an elector is allowed to vote for is the same as the number of officers to be elected.
Q: Where can I find election results after the polls close on Election Day?
A: The results of the 2016 presidential election will be available on this website as they come in. You can view the results in real-time by looking for the Election Results graphic on the home page.


Q: What constitutes political advertising?
A: If a candidate campaign becomes aware of improper conduct by another campaign, it can register a complaint by calling the Attorney General Civil Bureau at (603) 271-3650 or the Elections Hotline at 1-866-868-3703.
Q: What basic requirements must political advertising for or against a candidate contain?
A: Pursuant to RSA 664:14, political advertising must include:

1. The name and address of the person or organization paying for the advertising; and

2. A statement that the advertisement is paid for by a political committee or candidate.
Q: What are the basic requirements of political advertising if a candidate or candidate committee has not authorized it?
A: Don't advertise your products as "safe" or "harmless" if they aren't.


Q: What are the basic requirements of a prerecorded political message (a/k/a "robo calls")?
A: It is a violation of RSA 664 to remove, deface, or destroy political advertising on private property. The penalty for this violation is a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per violation.
Q: What are the basic requirements of a push-poll?
A: A push-poll is a type of poll that is used to influence a voter’s opinion on a candidate or issue. In order to be considered a push-poll, the questions asked must be related to the opposing candidate or issue, and the poll must be conducted in a way that is likely to be construed as a survey or poll.
Q: What is the political affiliation of each candidate?
A: The City of San Francisco does not keep track of the party affiliation of its candidates, and therefore cannot provide that information.
Q: How do transfers work between a candidate’s previous committee to the existing one?
A: If you're transferring money or assets from an old committee to a new one, you have to report it as an in-kind contribution on the new committee's reports.


Q: What if I want to change my campaign treasurer or other officers?
A: File a reappointment of campaign treasurer (Form DS-DE 9) with the filing officer along with a copy of the letter of resignation or removal.
Q: How can I request that my voter registration information become protected from public records requests?
A: There is no need to re-register to vote every few years. If you will be 18 years old on or before the date of the next election, you are eligible to vote. You do not have to give a political party preference when registering to vote. If you have lost your voter information card, you can request a new one from your local election office.
Q: What do I do if I got a notice that my voter application is pending because my citizenship information didn’t match the records at the Department of Driver Services?
A: You can show a U.S. birth certificate, passport, or naturalization papers as proof of your citizenship when voting. If you do not have these documents with you, you can cast a provisional ballot and present documentation to your county elections office within three days after Election Day for your ballot to be counted.
Q: How do I change the address on my voter registration?
A: You can change your legal name online.
Q: How do I cancel my Georgia voter registration?
A: Contact your county registration office and advise them you would like to cancel your voter registration in Georgia.
Q: When will I know my voter registration status?
A: If you have not received any information in the mail, you can check your status online at If you cannot confirm registration online, please call your local general registrar.
Q: How does the City address sign violations?
A: The City of Fort Collins will remove signs from the public right-of-way proactively or upon receiving a complaint. If the sign is located on private property, the City will investigate the complaint to determine if a violation has occurred. If a violation is found, the City will proceed with the standard code compliance process to remedy the issue.
Q: How Do I Remove My Name from the Voter Registration Rolls?
A: You can notify the Pasco County Supervisor of Elections that you are no longer a resident of the county and want to have your name removed from the voter registration rolls by faxing this form to (352) 521-4319, emailing it to ____, or mailing it to PO Box 300, Dade City FL 33526.


Q: How are judges elected in Florida and what are their terms?
A: Supreme Court Justices and Judges of the District Court of Appeal are always appointed by the Governor from a list of three to six candidates presented by the Judicial Nominating Commission for that court. Once appointed, they must serve at least one year before the next general election and, thereafter, must face a "yes" or "no" vote every six years as to whether they will remain in office. If a judge is not retained the appointment process starts again.

Circuit judges
Q: What are the ballot questions?
A: You can find out what's on your ballot by logging in to the Secretary of State's My Voter Page.
Q: What is a provisional ballot?
A: provisional ballots are for people who didn't bring ID or can't vote for some other reason.
Q: What are my congressional, state senate, and house districts?
A: Yes, you may take your sample ballot to the polling place in order to expedite voting.
Q: What if there are questions about my registration or eligibility to vote?
A: If you have questions about your eligibility to vote, ask a poll worker. If they can’t answer your question, you can vote a provisional ballot.


Q: Where do I get instructions?
A: The PDC offers free training to help you understand the election process. You can find dates and classes on the PDC's online calendar, or watch videos of them online. If you have any questions, you can submit them to the PDC's online help desk.
Q: What do I do if a problem happened while I was trying to vote and I feel I was treated unfairly or discriminated against?
A: You can file a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission if you feel that your rights have been violated. However, most people are able to resolve their complaints informally by contacting their municipal clerk's office. If you still have problems, you can contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission directly.
Q: What do I need to bring with me to vote?
A: The following forms of identification are accepted at the polls in Florida: a driver's license, a state-issued ID card, a passport, a military ID, or a student ID.
Q: Where do I vote?
A: You can vote early in any county early voting site. On Election Day, vote in your assigned precinct.
Q: Where can I register to vote?
A: The Virginia Department of Elections offers several options for voting by mail, early voting, and absentee voting. You can request an absentee ballot online, by mail, or in person. Early voting is available in-person at your local registrar's office.
Q: Where do I go to vote on election day?
A: 1. Go to the Virginia Department of Elections polling place lookup.
2. Enter your address.
3. The system will show your polling place.
Q: How do I know where I vote?
A: The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. You can also find early voting dates, times, and locations on the Pasco County Supervisor of Elections website.
Q: Who may vote by mail or vote early?
A: Anyone who is registered to vote in Pasco County, or has a valid voter registration in another Florida county and is now residing in Pasco County, can vote by mail.


Q: How many signatures do I need to get on my nomination papers?
A: The number of signatures needed to get your name added to the ballot is dependent on the level of office you are running for. Please consult the Ballot Access checklist for the office for federal, statewide, and multi-jurisdictional judicial offices. Local candidates should check with their local filing officers (county, municipal, or school district clerks).
Q: What Are The Deadlines for Making an Absentee Ballot Request?
A: The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot by mail is 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding an election. For in-person requests, the deadline is the last day that the clerk is offering in-person absentee voting. Special provisions are made for hospitalized electors and sequestered jurors to request and vote by absentee ballot on election day.
Q: How does a Voter Request an Absentee Ballot?
A: You can request an absentee ballot from your municipal clerk in writing using the Application For Absentee Ballot (EL-121) form, by letter, or by email. You will need to provide a copy of your acceptable photo ID with your absentee ballot request.
Q: Who can request and receive an absentee ballot?
A: A qualified elector who registers to vote.
Q: How do I know my ballot will count?
A: You can check the status of your ballot on My Voter Page.
Q: How do I get an absentee ballot?
A: Download the absentee ballot application, complete it, and mail or deliver it to your county election office. You can also scan it or take a photo of it and email that to the election office.
Q: How do I get an absentee ballot for someone else?
A: If you are a close relative or caregiver, you can request and return an absentee ballot for another person in Georgia.
Q: How long does it take to get my absentee ballot?
A: For a federal election, you can begin sending absentee ballots to military and overseas voters 45 days before the election. For all other voters, you can begin sending absentee ballots 29 days before the election.
Q: What do I do if my absentee ballot never arrived?
A: Contact your county elections office and they will help you with your absentee ballot.
Q: How do I apply for an absentee ballot?
A: 1. Use a server-side programming language (like PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.)
2. Use a client-side programming language (like JavaScript)
3. Use a database (like MySQL, MongoDB, etc.)
4. Use a web framework (like Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, etc.)
5. Use a templating language (like Jade, Handlebars, etc.)
Q: How do I become an election worker?
A: Contact your county election official's office to learn more about working elections.


Q: Why are so many absentee ballots not folded and have the same initials?
A: The initials on the ballot mean that the voter cast their ballot using the ES&S ExpressVote BMD in the clerk’s office.
Q: How do I stop getting mail, texts and phone calls from political campaigns?
A: Yes, political campaigns can contact you, but they must include specific notices letting you know it is not from a government agency and they cannot send ballot applications to anyone who has already requested an absentee ballot.
Q: Why am I receiving political mailings and phone calls?
A: The Code of Virginia protects voter data, and the Department of Elections takes voter privacy very seriously. Many steps are taken to ensure the security of voter data, and only certain political parties, candidates, and non-profit groups are able to request lists of registered voters for authorized uses only.
Q: What should I do as a Political Treasurer if I am unable to balance a report that is due?
A: File the report on time, noting that an amendment will be forthcoming. If you have questions about the report, contact the Elections Division staff for assistance.


Q: When do I have to file reports?
A: C-3 reports are filed before June 1 of the election year and detail each bank deposit made by the campaign. C-4 reports are filed monthly from the beginning of the campaign through May of the election year, and then weekly from June through the election.
Q: Where do I file PDC reports?
A: The vast majority of candidates will only need to file with the PDC, but some localities have additional filing requirements.
Q: Who do I file my candidacy forms with?
A: Federal, Statewide, and multijurisdictional judicial candidates file their Declaration of Candidacy and Nomination Papers with Wisconsin Elections Commission. Statewide, and multijurisdictional judicial candidates file their Campaign Finance Registration Statement and Statement of Economic Interests with Wisconsin Ethics Commission.
Q: How do I file a complaint or report voter fraud?
A: If you have any concerns about voter fraud, contact your local election officials. You can also file a complaint or report suspected voter fraud online.
Q: How do I file a complaint?
A: If you have a complaint related to your registration or voting experience, the law provides several options for you to take action.

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 requires that every state have a process in place for handling voter complaints.

If you have a problem with your registration, you should contact your local election office.

If you have a problem on Election Day, you should contact your local poll workers or election officials.

If you believe that


Q: Where can I locate a list of candidates for upcoming or prior elections?
A: You can find a list of candidates that have filed with the Division of Elections by searching the Candidates and Races Database. In addition, you can also find a list of candidates and issues that will appear on the actual ballot on the county Supervisor of Elections’ website and/or publication in the newspaper and through your sample ballot.
Q: What sorts of statements can constitute improper participation or intervention by the University in a political campaign?
A: The University has developed guidelines to govern the hosting of political candidates and elected officials, and their surrogates, on campus. The guidelines are designed to ensure that the University does not violate the prohibition against participating or intervening in political campaigns by hosting such political figures. The guidelines for hosting political candidates or elected officials can be viewed here.
Q: How much can a candidate accept in campaign contributions?
A: The attorney general of New Hampshire writes to the secretary of state to inform him that the state has no legal authority to enforce the terms of the Compromise of 1850.
Q: Who is eligible to vote?
A: To register to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, and a resident of the state in which you are registering.
Q: Who can vote in City elections?
A: You must reside within the Fort Collins city limits for at least 22 days prior to the election and be registered to vote.


Q: Where can I get further information on the limitations imposed on charitable organizations with respect to political campaigns and candidates?
A: University employees are prohibited from engaging in political activities during work hours. University resources may not be used for political activities. University leaders must make it clear that their political activities are conducted in their personal capacity and not on behalf of the University.
Q: Who are the candidates?
A: The qualified candidates for the 2016 presidential election in Georgia are:

-Donald Trump
-Hillary Clinton
-Gary Johnson
-Jill Stein
Q: Where can I get information about the candidates/issues?
A: The City Clerk's Office can provide information about who the candidates are and what the issues are, but cannot provide information about a candidate's platform or the pros and cons of a particular issue. We will provide contact information for candidates, candidate committees, and issue committees upon request.


Q: Where can political signs be posted?
A: RSA 664:17 regulates the placement of political advertising. Political advertising may not be placed within 500 feet of a polling place, and must be removed within 48 hours after the polls close.
Q: Who can remove political signs?
A: Political advertising may be removed from public view if it is determined that the advertisement is false or misleading.
Q: How can I be sure I’m registered to vote?
A: Yes, you can check your voter registration on the My Voter Page.
Q: Where can temporary (election) signs NOT be displayed?
A: Temporary signs are not allowed in the public right-of-way or in locations that block sightlines. If you have questions about whether a location is in the public right-of-way or is blocking sightlines, please contact the Engineering Department at (970) 221-6605 or, or Neighborhood Services at (970) 224-6046 or
Q: Where can temporary (election) signs be displayed?
A: Temporary yard signs are allowed on private property with the permission of the property owner.
Q: How long can temporary (election) signs be displayed?
A: Yard signs made of paper or cardboard can be displayed for up to 14 days per calendar year.

Yard signs made of plastic or metal can be displayed for up to 30 days per calendar year.

Site signs can be displayed for up to 60 days per calendar year.

Swing signs can be displayed for up to 30 days per calendar year.
Q: How big can temporary (election) signs be?
A: Temporary signs can have a maximum area of 6 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 4 ft.


Q: When can I start collecting signatures to qualify as a petition candidate?
A: All candidates must file the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository (Form DS-DE 9) with the filing officer. Each petition must be submitted before noon of the 28th day preceding the first day of the qualifying period for the office sought to the Supervisor of Elections of the county in which such petition was circulated.
Q: When is the next election?
A: The next election in Virginia is the primary on June 13, 2018.
Q: Why was my campaign finance report rejected?
A: The most common reasons for rejection of a campaign finance report are using a form other than the one provided by the City and not filling out the form completely.
Q: What happens if I accidentally violate a campaign rule/regulation?
A: No, there are no specific provisions in the Charter regarding violations.
Q: When does campaign finance reporting start for the future election?
A: You don't have to report until November 1 following reregistration of your committee, every November 1 thereafter until you reach the future election cycle. The first election cycle report will be due 35 days prior to the future election date.


Q: What are the acceptable forms of identification on election day?
A: All registered voters in Virginia are required to show one acceptable form of ID in order to vote in person.
Q: What if I do not have valid ID?
A: You can vote without ID if you sign an ID Confirmation Statement, but you will need to submit a copy of a valid ID by 12:00 noon the Friday after the election.
Q: Why don't I get to vote for a District candidate?
A: District Councilmembers are nominated and elected by voters in their district. The election of District Councilmembers alternates so that voters from Districts 1, 3, and 5 elect Councilmembers in one election, and voters from Districts 2, 4 and 6 elect Councilmembers in the next election. All Districts vote on candidates for the office of Mayor at every election (Elections are held April of odd-numbered years).
Q: What if I don't have one of the acceptable forms of ID?
A: If you are unsure if you are registered to vote, if your ballot is being cast in the correct precinct, or if you have voted early or by mail, you may vote a provisional ballot. If there is a question regarding your signature, you will be able to “cure” your signature by 5:00 p.m. two days after the election.


Q: What hours are the polls open?
A: You can vote as long as you are in line by 7:00 p.m.
Q: What if I have moved since the last time I voted?
A: You can register to vote in Virginia if you are a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old on election day, and a resident of Virginia. You will need to complete a Virginia Voter Registration Application. You may only be registered to vote in one state.
Q: What time will the polls open?
A: If you live in the Central Time Zone, your polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you live in the Mountain Time Zone, your polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Q: What can a person do if he or she becomes aware of a violation of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA)?
A: If you believe that a violation of the Help America Vote Act has occurred, is occurring, or is proposed to occur in an election for national office in Wisconsin, you may file a written, verified complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Q: How does a person become a candidate?
A: To become a candidate, you must file official forms with the appropriate filing officer.
Q: How does the City of Fort Collins regulate election signs?
A: The City of Fort Collins regulates temporary signs through its rules for temporary signs in the Land Use Code. These regulations dictate the allowed location, type, materials, and display duration of temporary signs in Fort Collins.
Q: How does a person vote?
A: Voters in Nebraska are assigned to a polling place where they will be asked for their name and address. In primary elections, they will also be asked to name their party. Once their information is verified, they will be given their ballot(s) and instructions on how to cast their vote. Ballots are tabulated at the precinct level using DS200’s in 1/5 of our counties and centrally counted in larger counties using a DS450 or a DS850.
Q: What type of voting equipment does my county use?
A: There is no perfect voting system, and each has its own pros and cons. Some of the most popular voting systems include:

-First past the post (FPTP)
-Proportional representation (PR)
-Single transferable vote (STV)
-Instant-runoff voting (IRV)


Q: How can I become a poll worker?
A: Contact your county elections office to learn how to apply to be a poll worker.
Q: What is a poll watcher?
A: No, you don't have to be registered to vote, but you can't be a candidate or law enforcement officer.
Q: How can I become a poll watcher?
A: If you are registered to vote in Nebraska, or are part of a state-based, national, or international election monitoring organization, you are eligible to be appointed as a poll watcher. Candidates or spouses of candidates are not eligible.

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